Saturday, March 28, 2009

Perhaps It's The Weather . . Or Not

I went more than a little nuts today. It started last night and escalated until I was pretty much a blubbering basketcase, with no way of pulling myself out of the rut. Unfortunately, with my unbalanced state of mind, I was also ill. That didn't help. And I was supposed to watch my lovely grandkiddos. But I was physically sick, and mentally sick and THEN, a bright star on the horizon. I was pulled from the brink by a wonderful woman who is also my daughter and friend. She rode to the rescue, listened to the blubbering, gave thoughtful suggestions, comments, and good ideas. She pulled me back from the edge, made me proactive, and helped me format a "cure" for my tumbling thoughts. And at the end of the day I can truly say that whatever happens, I can handle it - there really was no bad, just changes, and change is something I can live with. Thanks kiddo for the rescue, I promise to be a responsible adult for the rest of time. Perhaps it really was the weather, or not.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Do not by rugs in Spokane

I went looking at rugs at the hubbys request - mostly shopping for information. What a horrifying experience. There is a rug vendor on 2nd Ave who is the most arrogant, SOG that I have ever had the displeasure to meet. He was unhelpful, snotty, and a total jerk. I was nice, but I should have been ignorant. Of course two wrongs don't make a right, but I would have felt better when I left his store. I will never darken his doorstep again, and neither should you. If you feel inclined to know who he is, you may ask. I'm not shy about telling.

I mentioned my "pleasant experience" to my neighbor this morning and she had a similar experience when dropping off a rug to be cleaned. She said a girl in the shop "tossed my rug into a pile on the floor. I don't know what I was expecting, but it wasn't that."

Courtesy counts for something and if this shop wants to stay in business I would think they need to learn the meaning of the word. THE END


I've been trying to access this blog for the last 10 minutes. . . Apparantly I can't remember my password NOT, and if I reset it to the same thing it lets me in. How do you deal with this insanity? I may have to quit blogging.