Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Such a technophope...

First of all I am deathly afraid of the computer. Secondly,I hope whoever ever reads this will understand that I am deathly afraid. I will try to make it interesting, and I used to have the potential to be funny, but that was then and this is now. Anyway, I have been wanting to get this blog going for awhile, so here goes. My name is gramma, and I am writing in behalf of the red furry friend on the front of this blog. His name is Duke and I think he has a unique view of the world as we know it - from the knees down. Lots of things in life seem to mystify Duke like who went into the garage, who came back, who was in that tote, but most especially, WHERE'S DAD?!

To back up, we adopted Duke a few years ago from the pound (the best dogs come from those awful places), and he was well mannered, friendly, not too outgoing, he seemed just right. He had been incarcerated because "our son just didn't have enought time for him.". LIE He was there because he ate his first owners' backyard, and they couldn't take anymore. When we got him home, he was sooooo good, until someone came upstairs, (who had just gone downstairs), and fearing the worst, Duke went into PROTECT MODE! Since it was a Saturday, and the pound was now closed, he got to live with us until Monday when he was GOING BACK.. However, he did show his finer points of being a sweet loving dog, so a "stay of execution" was given and he is still with us. Not any smarter, but still loving. He did eat our backyard that summer, a hammock, a lawn chair, the hot tub cover, various watering cans, and most recently a pair of rubber garden gloves. (That made for interesting doo-doo.). Question: What's that stuff called that's on the lawn early in the morning? Dog doo. And you thought it was just dew!

So now with big changes once again in our life, Duke will offer his below the knees perspective of what is going on here. Some of the things we may learn are: who was buried in that tote; why can't I play cougar on the trampoline; where have those shoes been; who were you cheating on me with; and most importantly WHERE'S DAD? Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Holly said...

Dad's in the laundry room closet AND in the computer room!

And when a dog fluffs, it's dog fog.

yay for posting!!