Monday, February 9, 2009

Maybe We Could Just Be Nice?

In the past couple of weeks I have had to wait in line at the post office three different times. I usually use the automated kiosk in the lobby, but these were international packages, and you have to have the clerk do his thing with the customs declaration. All three times I had to wait, I was at least number 15 in line. At first there were two clerks, then just one, waiting on all those people. Two of the times I was there, people have become irate about having to wait. Granted, it is not a real exciting place to be, and you really don't want to get into a big discussion with a stranger, BUT come on people - we are all in the same boat and making rude comments about the clerk, the service, the government in general, etc., etc., does NOT help the wait go any faster. It just makes you look (sound) like an idiot.
The first time I had to wait, a woman started ranting about how she had a meeting she had to get to at 3p.m., it was about 12:30 p.m. at the time. People tried to ignore her, but she escalated and was starting to get histerical. She let everyone know in a loud voice how she had to get home to let her bulldogs out for a potty break, get some lunch and get back to work. "What is wrong with these people" she kept saying. . .isn't there someone else back there who could help ME?!? The clerk explained that all the people were working, but that didn't stop this woman. She ranted and raved and then it was her turn. She was there to pick up a certified letter, and the old guy clerk made a big show of looking through the front cubbys, then said maybe it was in the back. HA He took about 8 minutes looking around or having a coffee break, but in general giving some payback. What a hoot! When he finally came back out, he looked in the cubby again and amazingly - FOUND HER LETTER. As she was leaving, not in the least repentant, several people commented that maybe she should have been nice, it might have cut down her wait.
Today, same type of situation. But this time two older men (older enough to know better), got mouthy. The clerk was by herself, and everybody needed something. These men got louder and louder so a supervisor came to see what was going on. They started on him! He shook his head and went back to his job. Eventually the same old guy clerk from above, came on shift. The line had been moving, but these old guys just kept up the derogotory comments. Finally they had their turn and moved on. I thanked the clerk for his patience and calm in the midst of annoying people. He said it was just part of the job. After witnessing these displays I can totally
understand "going postal".

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