Tuesday, January 13, 2009

11 Hours makes a lot of difference

Couldn't sleep last night. I was in a foul mood, put the dogs out early without treats, and got on the computer for a couple of hours. I finally thought I'd be tired enough for sleep, but no. So I watched a little Letterman, Billy Crystal was hilarious, then thought I'd sleep, but no. So after taking half a pill, I read for awhile and then went to sleep, ONLY to be awakened 1/2 hour later by the phone and hubby calling from halfway around the world. He said, "I just finished lunch, what are you doing?" SLEEPING!!! Or I was until I had to answer the phone. Anyway, no herd of mean, wild camels in his day just the Army, which sometimes has the same temperment as the camels. So I wish he'd look at his watch and realize we're not in the same time zone, or maybe the important thing is that he calls, and he's ok, and he loves me. And I love him.

1 comment:

Holly said...

That's awful! I hope you got some sleep eventually.