Sunday, January 18, 2009

Good Times, Noodle Salad

Valerie's family came over last night for dinner and to play the Wii. It was so fun for me to have to think up something to cook, and actually do it. Watching the boys get into the sports was great too. The friendly competition and their athleticism was a joy to watch. Such Fun! When it came time to do the dishes I was all over it. The dishwasher was loaded and I was cleaning knives in the sink when OUCH! jagged knife slice of about 1/2 across the side of my index finger. I've done this before, everyone has, you rinse it, and wrap it in a paper towel, apply pressure, and keep it elevated. All First Aid knowledge. But it wouldn't quit bleeding. So after about 45 minutes I called GH and got an appointment to see an after hours doc. It wasn't bad, didn't have to get weighed, so that's always a plus, got the finger glued back together (Ryan was right), and then the doc came back into the room and said "You need a Tetnus shot". No, I had one not too long ago - Yeah, 11 years ago! My how time flies when you're trying to not remember the one shot that hurts like heck. So I got the shot, and my finger in a splint for 48 hours so I won't bump it and reopen the wound. High Adventure. Just for fun, try typing without using the index finger on your right hand - oh yeah, the mouse is fun too.


Valerie said...

So no stitches anyway! What time did you end up getting home?

Holly said...

I wish I had read this before I got to your house so I'd know better than to let you try to whip that splint off and waggle your finger in my face. In the basement. You're evil and wicked and I LOVE it! It makes me know where I am from.