Friday, January 16, 2009

Got That?

I decided to play with the pictures on the blog and then I wanted to change the whole title and then I couldn't think of anything so now you can't read the title or description and that's tough. It's the middle of the night again, and I'm tired but can't sleep. Kevin flew into Iraq Friday night, which is what it is here now, but is tomorrow morning there. Got that? So he's been there about 12 hours which is a guess because who knows what the time difference is from Kuwait, so when he calls we'll find out what is what. Got that?

I just heard a noise from somewhere in the house and I'm not generally the curious type, or the investigative type; that person is in Iraq. But I will have to investigate - thank goodness for big guns and a hubby that made me learn to use them. Hopefully if I have to shoot something it is a person and not a mouse. Hopefully no person is here except me. If it was a person, I think the dogs would bark, but maybe the bad guy brought treats, which makes him a good guy in the dog's eyes. Soooo, maybe I'll go say my prayers and go to bed. What are the chances of sleep tonight? Slim to none. Got that?


Valerie said...

Poor mom. Try to take a nap...

Holly said...

Got that.

Do you sleep at all anymore?