Friday, January 23, 2009

Remind Me Again, Why Do We Have Dogs?

I worked at the Temple today and had to come home early because the tetnus shot from last Saturday is still a big swollen lump in my arm and makes my head ache. It is getting better but not nearly fast enough.

I decided to leave the dogs outside wearing bark collars, so that the neighbors stay sane, and it makes me feel proactive. I would leave them in so that burglars will be scared spitless when Duke charges where-ever they are breaking in, BUT Duke likes to sleep on the couch. I knew this because I have found dog hair on the couch, the living room couch. So, the gee-tar lives on that couch, and if the stars are in alignment, Duke stays off. Now I have learned that Dukey likes the family room couch too. Stinkin' dog! He tries very hard to be good while you are at home, but I think he knows that when the car starts, his window of opportunity is open - and he takes advantage of that.

Now leaving home with the dogs in is like preparing for D-Day. Gee-tar on one couch, magazines laying on the other couch, block the doorway from kitchen to dining room, open closet and stairway door and block so that dogs can't push open and come through. After all that work, coming home to one dog locked in, and one dog in the laundry room growling at you (because you must be a burglar), and then he smiles and is proud to show you how he can jump the 3' block in the kitchen doorway. Oh Joy - another reason I e-hat dogs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The cats have decided that climbing the entertainment center is, well, pure entertainment. They knocked Holly's scented oil thing-y over the other day sending scented oil all over the place. At least it smelled good.

Then yesterday I had to save Crook from choking on some plastic. He clawed me terribly for it. Next time I may think twice about saving him.

What I mean to say is, we feel your pain. Our pains just come in smaller packages!