Thursday, January 1, 2009

Wild times

So I kept telling Kevin on the phone that we had freezing weather, so cold I was actually forced to get out my big cosack coat, and then it started to snow. It snowed and snowed and the first night I went out back to shovel the dogs a landing from the dog door and decided to measure the snow on the trampoline - NINE INCHES. The next morning when it was still snowing I decided to measure again and there were 20 inches on the trampoline. By the end of the day when it finally quit snowing, there were 24 inches of snow on the trampoline. Thank goodness for snow blowers. I cleaned the driveway several times, got back some upper body strength from muscling the snow blower around and then the neighbors decided we needed to clean the street because who knew when the plows would come around. So, after three hours we had a clear lane on Virginia road. Mega -woman muscles! Since I had the big snow blower, I got to do the hard stuff and the others cleaned behind me. I don't know if Kevin believed me when I told him how much snow we had in 28 hours, but he believed it when he came home a couple of days later and found "white world" all around. The snow has kept coming, and when he flew back out today, we had another 3 inches for me to shovel. The official record for Dec 08 is 61.5 inches - that beats all previous records going back to 1890 something. WOW and now January starts and it's still winter and the hubby is gone to Iraq and I'll be doing the snowblowing some more - Hawaii sounds good.


Holly said...

I could transfer to Hawaii! Take me with you!!!

Valerie said...

So I'm super late joining the party, but I finally made it!

I want to go to Hawaii too!