Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Tooooo Much Poooooooooooooo

It's been raining for a day or so and a lot of our snow is melting - I'm melllllting- so when I looked outside this morning, OH MY GOODNESS!!! the back yard seems to have been in a dirt clod throwing contest. HUM Must be the dog poodles showing up. Yes, well, I just came in from filling two black yard waste bags with offerings, well offerings and snow/ice, because it is impossible with a shovel or pooper-scooper to scooper just the pooper. I almost wish the snow was still there, or not really because that would mean the snow and ice was still on the roof. But anyway, the scooping is as done as it's going to be for awhile, I feel the need to change clothes and clorox my boots, so I'll talk later - I've got to go do laundry.

One more thought - This gives me renewed respect for Kevin Jr who was willing to go under the trampoline with a garden trowel and Wal-Mart bag, on his belly, for NOT ENOUGH PAY. At least it was all frozen then, but still . . . Love ya Jr.


Valerie said...

Hmmm, at least my day didn't involve scooping frozen poop.

Holly said...

Mine did. But it wasn't frozen or waterlogged. It was crusted to a certain 4 year old's behind.

Learning to wipe is fun.